Monday 6 June 2016

Whitsun 2016: Highlights

This Whitsun week started and ended with marvellous weather, but was blighted with unseasonal grey and cold conditions for the majority of its nine days. Nevertheless, I went out a great deal, even if I did need my hat and thermals.

I saw lots of fantastic wildlife. Several experiences stand out: being surrounded by a blizzard of feeding Swifts on the Cuckmere as they flew within a few feet of me, watching half a dozen Gannets dive for food just of Birling Gap, listening to the impossibly sad calls of a pair of Whimbrel from the cliffs south of Crowlink, and being 'led' away from ten ducklings by an anxious Shelduck at the Cuckmere scrape.

Anyway, I have managed to select my top five Wildlife Wonders of Whitsun 2016.

Wall Lizard, Holywell Eastbourne, Sunday 5th June.
I had read that this introduced species had reached Eastbourne. Saw two of these marvellous green Lizards basking in the morning sun.

Male and female Bullfinches, Old Lodge Ashdown Forest, Wednesday 1St June.
Always exciting to see these shy birds. Lovely view just before a very heavy rain storm.

A Badger in our garden, Hill Road Eastbourne, Wednesday 2nd June.
We were pretty confident the established track across the garden was a Badger track. Really thrilling to see one. It now feeds nightly at the backdoor, but if it feels the peanut ration is too small it trashes the bean plants.

The Gull and Tern breeding colony, Rye Harbour, Saturday 4th June.
The sound and smell of this spectacle began before I was within sight of it, such is the incredible intensity of it. Black-headed and Mediterranean Gulls with Common, Sandwich and Little Terns. Chicks everywhere and everything goes mad if an adult bird returns with a fish.
Common Terns
Black-headed Gull chicks
Sandwich Terns

Crossbills, Old Lodge Ashdown Forest, Wednesday 1St June.
After many previous visits I finally managed to see these mythical, to me, birds. Vocal, gregarious little parrot like birds with the crazy crossed beak.
Female Crossbill 
Male Crossbill 

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