There were two lifetime firsts, which were the American Golden Plover at Rye Harbour and, most excitingly, Common Crossbills at Old Lodge Ashdown Forest.
I was pleased to see breeding Teal, Gadwall and Shoveler, which are much less common than wintering birds of these species.
Eight species of Warbler on the list are a reflection of the time of year, but I was disappointed not to see a Willow Warbler.
Common Whitethroat, Willingdon Hill
Old Lodge in Ashdown Forest produced the aforementioned Crossbills, at least two Cuckoos, Bullfinches and Green Woodpecker. The later is noticeably less common locally than it was a few years ago.
Rye Harbour is a great place at any time of the year. Highlights this time were three species of Tern, Avocet, Wheatear, Mistle Thrush and Mediterranean Gull.
Mistle Thrush, Rye Harbour
Avocet, Rye Harbour
Black-headed Gull, in full breeding finery, Rye Harbour
Other special birds seen:
Marsh Harrier
Grey Wagtail
Grey Wagtail, Sissinghurst
The one that got away has to be Long-tailed Tit.
Full Whitsun 2016 list:
Mute Swan |
Greylag Goose |
Canada Goose |
Shelduck |
Gadwall |
Eurasian Teal |
Mallard |
Northern Shoveler |
Tufted Duck |
Pheasant |
Northern Fulmar |
Great Crested Grebe |
Grey Heron |
Little Egret |
Northern Gannet |
Cormorant |
Marsh Harrier |
Sparrowhawk |
Common Buzzard |
Kestrel |
Hobby |
Peregrine Falcon |
Moorhen |
Coot |
Oystercatcher |
Avocet |
Ringed Plover |
American Golden plove |
Northern Lapwing |
Dunlin |
Eurasian Whimbrel |
Eurasian Curlew |
Common Sandpiper |
Common Redshank |
Kittiwake |
Mediterranean Gull |
Black-headed Gull |
Common Gull |
Lesser Black-backed Gull |
Herring Gull |
Great Black-backed Gull |
Little Tern |
Sandwich Tern |
Common Tern |
Stock Dove |
Woodpigeon |
Feral Pigeon |
Collared Dove |
Common Cuckoo |
Common Swift |
Green Woodpecker |
Great Spotted Woodpecker |
Magpie |
Jay |
Jackdaw |
Rook |
Carrion Crow |
Raven |
Blue Tit |
Great Tit |
Coal Tit |
Skylark |
Swallow |
House Martin |
Cetti’s Warbler |
Common Chiffchaff |
Sedge Warbler |
Reed Warbler |
Blackcap |
Garden Warbler |
Lesser Whitethroat |
Common Whitethroat |
Goldcrest |
Wren |
Nuthatch |
Treecreeper |
Starling |
Blackbird |
Song Thrush |
Mistle Thrush |
Robin |
European Stonechat |
Northern Wheatear |
Dunnock |
House Sparrow |
Grey Wagtail |
Pied Wagtail |
Meadow Pipit |
Rock Pipit |
Chaffinch |
Greenfinch |
Goldfinch |
Linnet |
Common Crossbill |
Bullfinch |
Yellowhammer |
Reed Bunting |
Corn Bunting |
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