Sunday 19 June 2016

Serin at Shooters Bottom, Beachy Head

I went out to look for the reported Serins (male, Female and juvenile) at 8.30pm on Friday. The rain storms had moved south, but massive anvil shaped thunder clouds were still visible to the west. No luck with the Serins, but I did see a Cuckoo. Mad to think this bird is already returning to Africa, and we have not yet reached Midsummer's Day.

Next morning I tried again, arriving at 6.30am. Almost immediately I saw a small yellow bird as it flew off. Later I got a better view. I managed a photo of the juvenile.

Thick-set head, streaking on breast and short beak. Happy to be corrected!

Amazingly there was a Quail calling from the field to the north. Spent ages looking before I had a brief view of it flying up and away.

Very grateful to Beachy Birder for his help. Two lifetime firsts and a nice Peregrine flew over.

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