Saturday 17 August 2019

Mostly Juvenile Gulls

Sitting on the beach at Eastbourne, for the airshow, gave me a good chance to watch the local gulls. The recent unsettled weather had thrown up a lot of mussels, and the birds were busy feeding on these as the tide went out. 

(I am a real beginner with identifying juvenile gulls, so there are likely to be several mistakes below, and I welcome corrections). 

First year Herring Gulls

First year Lesser Black-backed Gull

Adult Black-headed Gull transitioning to winter plumage.

First year Great Black-backed Gull

First year Lesser Black-backed Gull

I think this might be a first year Yellow-legged Gull.

Mainly first year Lesser Black-backed Gulls

First year Herring Gull

First year Lesser Black-backed Gull

From left to right: second year Lesser Black-backed Gull and two first year Herring Gull.

First year Lesser Black-backed Gulls

First year Herring Gulls

First year Herring Gull

First year Greater Black-backed Gull

Adult Lesser Black-backed Gull

First year Herring Gulls

Adult Black-headed Gull, moving into winter plumage.

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