Thursday 2 August 2018

France 13: Coët Stival and Guidel Beach

Spent some time in the morning, exploring the woodland at Coët Stival.

These Wall Lizards were basking in the morning sunlight.

A flowering buddleia was getting a lot of attention from butterflies and day flying moths.

Hummingbird Hawkmoth

Red Admiral

Silver-washed Fritillary

Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoth, Hemaris fuciformis. A lifetime first.

Two different species of hover fly


Jersey Tiger, a day-flying moth

Small White

Honey Buzzard. A pair were calling territorially, seeing off a Common Buzzard before being joined by s Goshawk.


In the heat of the afternoon we visited Guidel Beach near Lorient.

Sandwich Tern

Common Shrew. A surprise evening visitor.

Poor photo of a Melodious Warbler at Coët Stival. A lifetime first. 

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