Sunday 22 October 2017

Norfolk Day 1: Salthouse and Cley

I visited North Norfolk for half-term. A wonderful place.

Early morning skies at Salthouse Beach. I was looking for Snow Buntings, but no luck.

There always seem to be geese in the sky in Norfolk during the Autumn.


Later in the day I visited Cley Marshes.

Greylag Goose.

Male and female Shoveler.

Massed Wigeon, with a few Brent Geese.


Roosting Teal with a sneaky male Shoveler.

Little Stint.

Black-tailed Godwit.

Some rather muddy Teal.

Huge numbers of waterfowl.

From left to right: Dunlin, Little Stint and Redshank, with a Black-headed Gull in the foreground.

Wigeon disturbed by a passing Marsh Harrier.

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