Monday 1 August 2016

St Bees Head Cumbria

392 miles was a long way to drive, but it was a fantastic way to start the school holidays and, of course, a new list.


I arrived at about 9.30am. It was an overcast day with light wind. The amazing red sandstone cliffs host England's only mainland Puffin colony, a species I had never seen.

Fleswick Bay, just south of the North Head

There were huge numbers of Guillemots still breeding on the cliffs, with good numbers of Kittiwakes. Razorbills and Puffins, with wonderfully coloured beaks, were in the sea.




Three species of auk, including a lifetime first, in one morning. Also seen were Cormorant, Shag, Greater Black-backed Gull, Linnet, Rock Pipit and Oystercatcher.

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