Tuesday 2 August 2016

Birds on the Wire

Outside the bedroom window of Caudale Beck cottage, where we stayed in the Lake District for a week, was a telephone wire. Each morning a variety of birds would sit on it, and also on the roof of the barn to which it was connected.

House Martins. Up to eight birds came at the same time.

A smart adult House Martin. Some of the newly fledged birds were distinctly scruffy.

A Swallow

Spotted Flycatcher. This bird came on two different mornings.

Most mornings were dominated by hirundines, usually Swallows or House Martins, but there were regularly other species.

A juvenile Redstart. An adult female also visited.

A juvenile Mealy Redpoll.

Other visitors included Blue Tit, Nuthatch, a pair of Grey Wagtails, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Carrion Crow, Goldfinch, Robin and Chiffchaff. This made a total of 15 species.

This White Wagtail was most surprising as the Brotherswater valley was full of Pied Wagtails.

Over the front door were half a dozen House Martin nests. The residents gradually fledged during our stay. I am certain that one fledgling repeatedly returned to the nest to try and get fed.


 More House Martins

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