Thursday 18 July 2019


Following the report of a calling Quail, I tried a different evening walk with my dog, walking west out Alfriston on the South Downs Way. No Quail, but there were a lot of Corn Bunting, and an amazing sunset, all of which meant I was out a bit later than I had intended. The previously elusive Bunting finally settled, and I hurriedly took a few photographs in the fading light. I remember briefly being surprised at the reddish head of one of the birds, but it was rapidly getting dark and I hurried home. It was not until weeks later that I got around to looking at the photos and got excited, thinking I had seen a Little Bunting, but it was a juvenile Corn Bunting!

Juvenile Corn Bunting

Corn Bunting

Corn Bunting in fading light

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